Monday, October 13, 2014

My first attempt at Mod Podge.

Living in a crowded house, I have been missing having a crafting table. While all my other tables are too large to bring out of storage. I found a damaged not so great looking desk in the garage. I decided that I could put my computer on this desk and use the table I had my computer on as my craft/sewing table.

Now, how was I going to clean this up. I scrubbed away at it, but it still had stuff stuck to it that I couldn't get off. I look on Pintrest almost everyday and have been wanting to attempt a mod podge project.

Things you need:
Homemade mod podge (50% elmers glue and 50% water)
A brush
Paper that tickles your fancy, scrapbook, pages  from your favorite novel, magazine or ? whatever you like
A spray can of some indoor/outdoor waterproof sealant and CLEAR

I cut my scrapbook paper out in two different sizes, one as a large square and the other in rectangles, for the top part of the desk and then for the keyboard tray, I cut them smaller.

I started by placing the homemade mod podge on the desk in area at a time as I worked it. Just lay the pieces of paper down, one at a time, while re-brushing the tops of the paper with the glue mixture before laying down the next piece. Carefully lay them down. As I learned along the way. You can end up with a creases, bubbles, or by moving the paper too much, rip it.

I went back later the next day and re-brushed the papers that needed it, as they were starting to peel up.

The day after that I went down to our storage unit for some other things, and I found what I thought would be the most perfect top spray. It was by the brand Krylon; but this wasn't ordinary spray paint it was epoxy, indoor/outdoor and waterproof. Well, the test spray showed me it was white, so I headed down to our Ace Hardware around the corner. They only had three clear paints to choose from. I discovered it after I was told that there was no such thing as clear spray paint. They had just a regular clear indoor/outdoor by Krylon, one for just wood and one that was from automotive to wood. So I thought the Krylon would work the best.

My husband sprayed it on for me, the whole can was about four coats worth. As he was spraying I discovered some issues, you started to really see all the excess gunk that still sat on the table.

If I do this again, I will put a base set of papers down and see how it covers up the flaws.

It came out wonderful looking. I really love how it came out. I can't put a cup on the table though. So next project I think I'll have to check out Home Depot or Lowes for some more of a heavy duty clear spray.

Totally doing it again.

The most coolest markers ever.

I've just discovered what I want for Christmas. They are called Chameleon marker pens. They allow you to blend your color from light to dark with one pen. I didn't really understand how this could be possible until I watched the video on their website. Check them out at

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Website is back up

I have repurchased my website and am still in the process of getting it all set up.
I'll let you know when it is working.
I'm excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The worry jar

Let me tell you a little about what is going on in life. My family of five has hit a little bit of financial hiccup and have moved in with the Mother-in-law and our 6 year old niece. So, in a three bedroom, two bath town home; we have three adults and four children living together.

Sure is busy busy.

It really isn't as bad and as tight as you would think. Grandma's bunking with the baby, because they both like to sleep in late. The 6,7 and 9 year old are sharing a room, three beds side by side fills the whole width of the room. Then My husband and I have the master, filled with as much stuff we couldn't put in storage and my computer desk.

To help with the hassle of "Why do I have to pick up if they aren't" between the kids, we started a worry and hey jar. 10 cents a worry and 5 cents a hey. I'm off to the store this morning to get some glue to whip up some homemade mod podge to create the jar. I'll post up the project soon.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

My favorites

Let me tell you a little bit about my favorite things.
Besides my wonderful supportive husband and my three courageous proud and adorable children. My favorite people are Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Humphrey Bogart, Cray Grant and Doris Day. There just is something about them, how they are in movies, how they posed for a picture, how they lived. I just love it, and wish I grew up in those times too.
My favorite art period, is Baroque and Art Nouveau. I love the architecture, the events in history and those wonderful stained glass windows of the Baroque Period. In Art Nouveau, I love it all, especially the interior design of the time period where outside meets inside.
Oddly enough my favorite artist wasn't from any of these time periods. The Renaissance painter Titian is my favorite artist by far. I love how he painted as he saw it. Detailed up close and blurry far away. He took the risk to draw differently and used the boldest colors of the time. My two favorite are the Assumption of the Virgin and Sacred and Profane Love.
This why you might see my art being realistic, bold, Gothic, old fashioned, retro, classic and full of nature. I am a Graphic Designer, but I consider my self an Illustrator foremost and a crafter second.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Die Cutting Duck Tape

Of course I got this idea from my 9 year old daughter. She just had her birthday party and a duck tape jewelry kit. As I was helping her out and seeing how they suggest to stencil cut out hearts and stars, I thought, "Why not die cut a flower and put it on a barrette, headband or a pin for her backpack.

First I tried taking thin strips of duck tape, layering side by side on a piece of cloth. When die cutting this, I discovered that some are much harder to cut than others. The more fibers in the duck tape, the easier. Those that are thicker and more glossier and smoother didn't cut very well and I had to trim it with scissors.

It still came out fantastically impressive looking. Now if only I had a die that was thicker and could cut better, which I could design and order some. I am finding out that these thicker metal dies, known as deep dish dies, will cut most of the things I like to cut.

I used some regular Hello Kitty duck tape, put on some wax paper and cut my butterflies out. They cam out so adorable, that they will be on sale on my Crafty Little Designs Etsy store, right after this.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

I opened up my shop on Etsy!

What's New....I opened up my shop on Etsy.

In this shop, for now, I am only selling die cuts from dies made from recycled aluminum soda cans. Great for cards, scrapbooking, and crafts. If you like my die cuts and are interested in a die, please message me as I have lots of them for sell. Thanks for stopping by.

Friday, June 6, 2014


Sorry everyone, but my website is down. I haven't done very well this past year and want to rethink the direction I am going. I need to think of something that is different. I have been exploring with different thoughts and have come down to a few different ideas. For starters, I need to find a new website host as my last one I was not pleased with it at all. I am going to start creating some templates and making some videos to share with everyone. I have lots of ideas of crafts up my sleeve. I just need to find some time to create them.
My husband has been building a tree house and play set for the kids in the back yard and I'll show you the cool things I have planned for decorating it. However when it is 110 to 120 degrees outside this summer, none of us want to be outside, unless we are in the pool.
As far as crafting and hobbies go, I like to do it all and dabble in all sorts of things. I like paper crafting, quilling, paper mauche, decoupage, sewing, needle point and drawing with every type of media.
I would like to take you on an adventure of what my family I like to decorate. I would love to offer you awesome detailed dies and stamps to add to your collection. So my journey is changing and I hope you follow me through my journey.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Cutting aluminum can with dies.

Have you ever experimented with cutting different materials?
Well, I have been curious. As a Graphic Designer at Dies Direct, I see lots of different uses for the dies and requests on people asking if a die will cut what they need it to. So, here is what I am doing....I am going to experiment on my own, with what my dies can and can't cut. First up on the list, Aluminum can.

You might say, a can going through a die cutting machine, that won't work. So, don't be silly, I am cutting the can first. First, I stabbed a hole along the top neck of the can with a little peering knife, because it is my sharpest knife. Once I had a hole made, I put in my scissors and cut off the top, then down the spine, and around the bottom.

It really was easy to cut, I used kid scissors actually. Now I came to the conclusion that the can is round, how can I flatten it? So I put in the eBosser to see if it would flatten it. it didn't work, this was as flat as it got after a few times in the machine.

I just went for it, I put the die on it and put it through. I tried it without the 'E' plate, first because I wasn't sure if the can would cause too much tension. You really only need the right amount of tension to be successful, to much tension to often will break your machine. The final outcome was that no E plate, didn't work. So I tried it again with the E plate and wow it worked.

 The die cut was more vibrant and sturdier than a paper cut. I fell in love right away. I just had to cut them all and see what will happen. The butterfly here has pierce points and they did pierce.
 I am so excited to show you all this fantastic crafting idea. An aluminum can. You could really emphasis your card by showing them they are a real Squirt or you have a Crush on them.
 Perhaps, even use a beer can.
 What will I cut next.......stay tuned..........