Friday, June 6, 2014


Sorry everyone, but my website is down. I haven't done very well this past year and want to rethink the direction I am going. I need to think of something that is different. I have been exploring with different thoughts and have come down to a few different ideas. For starters, I need to find a new website host as my last one I was not pleased with it at all. I am going to start creating some templates and making some videos to share with everyone. I have lots of ideas of crafts up my sleeve. I just need to find some time to create them.
My husband has been building a tree house and play set for the kids in the back yard and I'll show you the cool things I have planned for decorating it. However when it is 110 to 120 degrees outside this summer, none of us want to be outside, unless we are in the pool.
As far as crafting and hobbies go, I like to do it all and dabble in all sorts of things. I like paper crafting, quilling, paper mauche, decoupage, sewing, needle point and drawing with every type of media.
I would like to take you on an adventure of what my family I like to decorate. I would love to offer you awesome detailed dies and stamps to add to your collection. So my journey is changing and I hope you follow me through my journey.

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