Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The worry jar

Let me tell you a little about what is going on in life. My family of five has hit a little bit of financial hiccup and have moved in with the Mother-in-law and our 6 year old niece. So, in a three bedroom, two bath town home; we have three adults and four children living together.

Sure is busy busy.

It really isn't as bad and as tight as you would think. Grandma's bunking with the baby, because they both like to sleep in late. The 6,7 and 9 year old are sharing a room, three beds side by side fills the whole width of the room. Then My husband and I have the master, filled with as much stuff we couldn't put in storage and my computer desk.

To help with the hassle of "Why do I have to pick up if they aren't" between the kids, we started a worry and hey jar. 10 cents a worry and 5 cents a hey. I'm off to the store this morning to get some glue to whip up some homemade mod podge to create the jar. I'll post up the project soon.

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