Monday, October 13, 2014

My first attempt at Mod Podge.

Living in a crowded house, I have been missing having a crafting table. While all my other tables are too large to bring out of storage. I found a damaged not so great looking desk in the garage. I decided that I could put my computer on this desk and use the table I had my computer on as my craft/sewing table.

Now, how was I going to clean this up. I scrubbed away at it, but it still had stuff stuck to it that I couldn't get off. I look on Pintrest almost everyday and have been wanting to attempt a mod podge project.

Things you need:
Homemade mod podge (50% elmers glue and 50% water)
A brush
Paper that tickles your fancy, scrapbook, pages  from your favorite novel, magazine or ? whatever you like
A spray can of some indoor/outdoor waterproof sealant and CLEAR

I cut my scrapbook paper out in two different sizes, one as a large square and the other in rectangles, for the top part of the desk and then for the keyboard tray, I cut them smaller.

I started by placing the homemade mod podge on the desk in area at a time as I worked it. Just lay the pieces of paper down, one at a time, while re-brushing the tops of the paper with the glue mixture before laying down the next piece. Carefully lay them down. As I learned along the way. You can end up with a creases, bubbles, or by moving the paper too much, rip it.

I went back later the next day and re-brushed the papers that needed it, as they were starting to peel up.

The day after that I went down to our storage unit for some other things, and I found what I thought would be the most perfect top spray. It was by the brand Krylon; but this wasn't ordinary spray paint it was epoxy, indoor/outdoor and waterproof. Well, the test spray showed me it was white, so I headed down to our Ace Hardware around the corner. They only had three clear paints to choose from. I discovered it after I was told that there was no such thing as clear spray paint. They had just a regular clear indoor/outdoor by Krylon, one for just wood and one that was from automotive to wood. So I thought the Krylon would work the best.

My husband sprayed it on for me, the whole can was about four coats worth. As he was spraying I discovered some issues, you started to really see all the excess gunk that still sat on the table.

If I do this again, I will put a base set of papers down and see how it covers up the flaws.

It came out wonderful looking. I really love how it came out. I can't put a cup on the table though. So next project I think I'll have to check out Home Depot or Lowes for some more of a heavy duty clear spray.

Totally doing it again.

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